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Recensione in Primo Piano nani overwatch confirmed review Revisione verificata
2541 SR
2700 SR

the last booster was great, but waiting 25 hours to get a boost for only 150sr+/- is too much.

Team di Expert Boosting

We apologize for this issue. This is a very unusual situation for us, we had a real overload of orders in January. However, we have already resolved this problem by expanding our team of overwatch professionals.

Recensione in Primo Piano Graphix93 overwatch confirmed review Revisione verificata
2381 SR
2950 SR

Order was rated without description.

Recensione in Primo Piano NLD overwatch confirmed review Revisione verificata
5 games

ok boosting, I was expecting bit more SR.

Team di Expert Boosting

We are sorry that we couldn't fullfill your expectations, will to try to do better next time!

Recensione in Primo Piano Eiw overwatch confirmed review Revisione verificata
3926 SR
4000 SR

Order was rated without description.

Recensione in Primo Piano uaq55855 overwatch confirmed review Revisione verificata
2557 SR
3000 SR

Order was rated without description.

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